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WestPaed Research consists of the groups above, each researching different fields in collaboration.

Explained by Pétur

WestPaedResearch was initiated by Professor Trond Markestad in 2009 and has evolved from the research groups working with growth, cardiovascular and respiratory physiology in children and adolescents, and follow up studies especially of children born preterm.

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Pétur Juliusson

Professor, MD, PhD, University of Bergen

Despite, or because of the wide range of methods employed and the group including scientists with different academic backgrounds, this multidisciplinary collaboration has boosted our scientific production in terms of numbers of PhDs, published papers and provides us with “food for thought”.​

​The focus for our research is the challenges perceived by clinicians when meeting paediatric patients and the challenges awaiting these children as they grow older.


Improved survival in infancy is a testament to the capabilities of modern medicine, but has also exposed major late onset health related issues in these patients who are susceptible to chronic health problems.


Thus, there is a need for further research in this area, to improve the long term quality of life for these patients.


Feel free to contact us.


Prof. Pétur Juliusson

Chair of the group

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