Quality of life
Leader of this group:
PhD Merete R. Benestad

Quality of life (QoL) is an essential outcome measure after disease and treatment.
The research group's aim is to increase knowledge on how chronic disease or being born extreme preterm is experienced by the child and the family. What are the challenges and how do they cope in daily life? We aim to contribute with knowledge that will make it possible to identify difficulties at an early stage and to intervene appropriately.
Follow-up studies are warranted to investigate developmental trajectories. Further, collaboration with the municipal health care service and educational services is essential, and an arena for future research and knowledge transferal. Interdisciplinary clinical research within the specialist health care services is another focus for the research group. PhD and master candidates will be recruited.
Currently research on health and well-being in a lifetime perspective after extreme preterm birth is ongoing by follow-up studies of several cohorts born extreme preterm in the 1980’s, 1990’s and 2000.
Members of the research group working clinically in the specialist health care service and in the university college system:
Merete R. Benestad
Paediatric Nurse with clinical experience from different clinical paediatric fields. Now Associate Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. MSc 2018 “Self-reported health in adolescents with exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction”. Currently research topics: PhD 2024 “Health-related quality of life and mental health after extreme preterm birth”.

Bente Johanne Vederhus
Intensive care nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Haukeland University Hospital. PhD 2015 “Health-Related Quality of Life, emotional and behavioural difficulties and perception of pain after extreme preterm birth – a population-based longitudinal cohort study”. Currently: Member of the Nordic research group Pain in Early Life – PEARL, research topics: pain, Quality of life and psychosocial health in children born preterm.

Elisabeth Grov Beisland
Registered Nurse and Associate Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. PhD 2015 “Health Related Quality of Life and Psychosocial Factors in Head and Neck and Renal Cancer patients”. Principle Investigator of the “Hospital Managed Home Based Care” project at Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway. Member of the EORTC QoL Renal Cancer group.
Jorunn Dragest
Registered nurse with PhD and working as a Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences and at the University of Bergen, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care. Her research is mainly concerning Quality of Life and mental health, especially in elderly. She has extensive experience in mentoring of candidates, both master and PhD.

Short-term Music Thearapy for Families With Preterm Infants: A Randomized Trial
Gaden TS, Ghetti C, Kvestad I, Bieleninik Ł, Stordal AS, Assmus J, Arnon S, Elefant C, Epstein S, Ettenberger M, Lichtensztejn M, Lindvall MW, Mangersnes J, Røed CJ, Vederhus BJ, Gold C. Pediatrics. 2022 Feb 1;149(2):e2021052797. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-052797.PMID: 34988583
Development of health-related quality of life and subjective health complaints in adults born extremely preterm: a longitudinal cohort study
Benestad MR, Drageset J, Eide GE, Vollsæter M, Halvorsen T, Vederhus BJ. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2022 Jul 23;20(1):112. doi: 10.1186/s12955-022-02018-5.PMID: 35870980
Long-term follow-up of self-reported mental health and health-related quality of life in adults born extremely preterm.
Benestad MR, Drageset J, Hufthammer KO, Vollsæter M, Halvorsen T, Vederhus BJ. Early Hum Dev. 2022 Oct;173:105661. doi: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2022.105661. Epub 2022 Aug 31. PMID: 36067714
Short-term Music Thearapy for Families With Preterm Infants: A Randomized Trial
Gaden TS, Ghetti C, Kvestad I, Bieleninik Ł, Stordal AS, Assmus J, Arnon S, Elefant C, Epstein S, Ettenberger M, Lichtensztejn M, Lindvall MW, Mangersnes J, Røed CJ, Vederhus BJ, Gold C. Pediatrics. 2022 Feb 1;149(2):e2021052797. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-052797.PMID: 34988583
Short-term Music Thearapy for Families With Preterm Infants: A Randomized Trial
Gaden TS, Ghetti C, Kvestad I, Bieleninik Ł, Stordal AS, Assmus J, Arnon S, Elefant C, Epstein S, Ettenberger M, Lichtensztejn M, Lindvall MW, Mangersnes J, Røed CJ, Vederhus BJ, Gold C. Pediatrics. 2022 Feb 1;149(2):e2021052797. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-052797.PMID: 34988583
Short-term Music Thearapy for Families With Preterm Infants: A Randomized Trial
Gaden TS, Ghetti C, Kvestad I, Bieleninik Ł, Stordal AS, Assmus J, Arnon S, Elefant C, Epstein S, Ettenberger M, Lichtensztejn M, Lindvall MW, Mangersnes J, Røed CJ, Vederhus BJ, Gold C. Pediatrics. 2022 Feb 1;149(2):e2021052797. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-052797.PMID: 34988583
Short-term Music Thearapy for Families With Preterm Infants: A Randomized Trial
Gaden TS, Ghetti C, Kvestad I, Bieleninik Ł, Stordal AS, Assmus J, Arnon S, Elefant C, Epstein S, Ettenberger M, Lichtensztejn M, Lindvall MW, Mangersnes J, Røed CJ, Vederhus BJ, Gold C. Pediatrics. 2022 Feb 1;149(2):e2021052797. doi: 10.1542/peds.2021-052797.PMID: 34988583